Author: William J. Federer
Year: 1996
Softcover: 845 pages (also available in hardback)
Publisher: Fame Publishing, Inc.
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1880563053
ISBN-13: 978-1880563052
Study Level: Reference
Audience: Everyone
After using this wonderful reference again for the millionth time, and since we are all patriotic minded at the moment, I thought I would feature this gem to encourage you to make it part of your reference collection. I purchased this title back in 1996 when it was first published and it has proven to be a vital part of my editorial arsenal.
Those of us familiar with American history, and the principles our country was founded upon, are well aware of the numerous references to God, Christianity and the Bible scattered throughout the written annals of our existence. However, these references to the above subjects are so numerous and vast that it would be impossible to remember or collect them as we find them. That is where this book is so very important. It takes a sampling of some of the most eloquent and powerful quotes from our founding fathers, authors, scientists and politicians and places them in a very easy to use collection.
Arranged alphabetically by author, and supplemented with a complete subject index, each quote is prefaced by a small introduction to the author. This profile gives a synopsis that includes their major life accomplishments as well as their life span (birth-death). The quotes themselves are so beautiful that one could very easily spend valuable time just reading the quotes from beginning to end. Believe me, just reading some of this is quite an educational journey!
When grabbing the technical information about this title, I noticed a few negative reviews in Amazon (5 out of 37) claiming that Federer took one or two of these quotes out of context or added his own translation of a word. Ironically, the book itself comes with approx 122 pages of end notes alone, so as a reference book, it gives you the original citation for each quote included - which keeps Federer's integrity in tact.
In this time of altered U.S. history and religious censorship, this book is vital to keeping the present day Christian armed and ready. Instead of being extricated from the education of our children, these quotes should be mandatory reading.....even for the basic (yet important) purpose of ensuring our American history stays in its original context. Stripping our past of these quotes has served to distort our history for the next generations.......the fight is not entirely over, and we still have the immediate power of making sure our own children are taught this crucial information.....but we must not relinquish the fight! We owe it to those who secured our freedom - we cannot let their voices be silenced or twisted to fit an ideology that is the antithesis of what they fought for!
Exercise that freedom of speech and keep the truth alive!
"I trust that as He shall further open the way, I will be ready to walk therein, relying on His help and trusting in His goodness and wisdom."
Abraham Lincoln, 1862
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